A letter to you. Yes you.
Good Day Friend — I want to start by saying you are truly loved. No matter who you are, what secrets you have, and no matter your story. You are loved, and I hope you read this and take that to heart.
There is a side of you that I know exists, but you do not yet. It pains me daily that you don’t know it or see it, and the pain you face each day because of it; I feel it for you. I know a happiness because I learned of the existence of that piece of myself, and I wish more than anything I could just gift this feeling and love to you, but it simply doesn’t work that way. You must realize it yourself.
You are so incredible, and you are divine in your core. It may not seem like it at times, but know that it’s there. I know with every bit of my being it is. No matter who you are. You do have a soul, and I hope more than anything that you experience the reality of its existence, as it will free you from all suffering, and worry. It is there. It’s not something you get from anyone, or anywhere. No church will get you there, nor will any human or animal, or material thing.
No matter what your story is, stop in your tracks right here, right now. Today. Take some time, and forgive yourself for anything that weighs you down. I do. The entire universe does, and every soul in it does. Everyone does, even if you can’t sense in today, its true. If you believe in God, he does too. It’s not a question. It’s as real as a physical law of nature. If there wasn’t forgiveness built into the laws of the universe, then how would the evils we see ever stop? An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, does it not?
Let the past go, and leave the consequences to the universe to exact its costs on you, and be ready for them with your grace and acceptance. We can’t avoid them, but we can accept it. The consequences both good and bad are assured by immutable, universal law. Trust that your good deeds will be rewarded, and the bad will be punished but with forgiveness and beauty. The universe teaches, it doesn’t punish.
We punish ourselves only through our negative thinking and guilt. Allowing them to exist means we are facing the judgement day that is spoken of by christianity.
If “Know ye not that ye are the temple of god” is true, and god exists inside of us, and yet we suffer mentally…. isn’t that the exact meaning of god’s judgement?
When we look ourselves in the mirror with harsher judgement than any outside our mind would ever judge us with?
Relieve yourself of all that burden and leave its rewards and punishments up to the universal laws, and learn from your past. You have a life, and it will be worth living the moment you live. You care too much, be more like a child and let all of that pain and worry go.
It’s serves you no purpose, but to make you feel justified in not behaving not at your peak. You are better than that. You are capable of things you won’t realize for a long time, but if you knew what I know about you, you would never hold such doubt, and worry again. You would shout from the mountains with joy if you knew what I know of you.
Always remember this; A truly loving god would never want you to suffer in such a way by his hand, but he would allow it, if you so decided to feel that way yourself. God wants you to have your own will, and do your will as you see fit. As any great parent would.
If you imagine a super loving parent, and imagine how they would see us, how we are causing our own suffering, and pain he would endure it with us, and encourage us to relieve ourselves of that pain, as it serves no purpose anymore if we learned from it.
If we learn and change, we have gained the wisdom that will make us greater than yesterday. Nothing good in nature happens overnight, so be patient with yourself, and take small steps each day to make yourself awesome. Pick on thing and work on it daily. Once that is mastered move to the next, and before you know if you will have made a mountain from spoonfuls of dirt.
Remember always that the law works both ways, if you do good always, then you will pay off the debts for the bad eventually, and if you do this every day, you will end up in such a beautiful place where everything good comes to you, and you will be unstoppable in your goodness. It will reach the ends of the earth some day. Start at home, and expand from there, btu when it was said that “You shall do works even greater than these” by a man who could perform miracles, know that he wasn’t just saying it, it is true.
He knows what happens to men that realize they are divine, and act divine. They shape the world, and you will too someday. There is a plan for you, and one day you will figure it out, and you will master it and make some of the most profound and beautiful effects in the universe the ripples of which will never end.
Go be amazing. Be your innermost self. Don’t listen to all you’ve been taught, it is likely holding you back. Forget all of that, and know that when you draw that line in the sand, so does the universe. Walk over that line, and leave your lower self/nature behind one scoop at a time. Its a fight, but one that is worth fighting. You are worth it. If I could fight it for you, I would, but its your fight for a reason. You can do this!